
Before and After

Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Friday, January 17, 2014

How's the new year resolution going?

Okay it's been two weeks and research shows this is the time that we usually start falling off the wagon so to speak.  How are you doing?  Are you starting to lose steam?  Here is the difference between being successful and NOT...are you ready? It's pretty big!!! The successful people DON'T QUIT!!  That's correct.  Sure that's easy for you to say (I can hear you saying it now)! Truth is THAT's the TRUTH.  When I was 134 pounds heavier I would start and the little voice in my head said "You'll never succeed" "You've never succeeded before, what makes you think this time will be different?".  Many times we think because we have one "off day" or we make, one not so wonderful choice, we have to throw in the towel and give in to our old habits but that's not the case.  You need to tell yourself that this is different and forgive yourself for making that choice and then tell yourself that you will make a new choice next time.  Visualize yourself making the new choice and talk yourself through the situation when it arises next time.  For example:  If you eat something at work that isn't on your food plan (Do not call it a diet because diets are set in stone and impossible to do on a daily basis) then think about what you can do next time you're hungry and what options you can keep at work that would be a better alternative and then visualize yourself doing it.  Plan ahead and keep the items in your desk or refrigerator at work and when the situation presents itself again your vision will pop into your head and you will make a better choice.  Changing your habits takes a minimum of 30 days.  You need to do the new behavior everyday for 30 days for you to form new habits.  SO DON'T GIVE UP and think you have failed.  Get back on the wagon and continue on your journey.  Tell yourself I CAN I CAN I CAN until you believe it and when the little doubts come in just repeat it over and over until it goes away!  Don't forget you are worth it!!
God Bless,

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