
Before and After

Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

He is strong when I am weakest

The spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Romans 8:26
Do you ever have those nagging doubts about your ability?  Areas of your life where you feel weak?  You go along for a while feeling strong, doing well, and then little doubts start coming in and making you feel weak...making you feel less than victorious, less than courageous, less than strong. 
My weak places frustrate me, at times I feel like I may never learn and keep doing it over and over again. Then I remember, with the power of Christ, all things can be made new and all broken things can be restored again. I get so tired of feeling weak.
Things can be going along so well, everything is working together and I feel strong, warm, and fuzzy all over and then all of a sudden someone (or something) comes along and snatches my soft, warm, cuddly blanket away!!  Leaving me cold, shivering, and shaking.  That is exactly what the weak places feel like.
What is your weak place...a temper? insecurities? a family dysfunction that is always simmering?  May I offer a word of hope in your weakness?  Whatever you are dealing with no matter how large or small know that God helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Romans 8:26
We don't have to have all the answers because He does.  It's okay to be so tired of our weak places that we run out of words to pray because we can lean on Him.  Look at all the Hope and encouragement He offers US:
There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Romans 8:1
You, however, are not controlled by the sinful nature but by the Spirit.  Romans 8:9
If God is for us, who can be against us?  Romans 8:31
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.  Romans 8:37

Perhaps we need to meditate or sit quietly today and try to figure things out without condemnation or the swirl of trying to figure things out.  Quiet knowing with absolute assurance that the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
He knows what to pray and he understands our weakness.  He has a purpose for our weak places.  Though it doesn't feel good, we can trust that good will come from it.  Romans 8:28  While we are quiet in our weakness God will give us hope; a glimmer of light that will over shadow our weakness.  Even the smallest drop of God's strength is more than enough to cover our frailties, our shortcomings, the places where we deem ourselves weak.  We will cast off that label...We ARE NOT weak.
 We are dependent on the only one powerful enough to help us.  The only only sufficient enough to cover us in grace throughout the process of growing stronger.  Our relationships, circumstances, willpower, and confidence may not be sufficient but God is sufficient, forever will be. 
Hear Him speak this promise straight to your heart: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9
Instead of wallowing in my weak place I chose to let the Spirit reveal the one positive step I can take today.  I will wash away the condemnation with the warmth of HIS grace.  I will receive His power.  I will rename the weakness my strong place. "For when I am weak, then I am strong."  2 Corinthians 12:10 
Dear God,
I am so grateful to know that when I am weak, You are strong.  Help me see the positive steps I can take to grow stronger in my weak places. 
In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Six Steps to SUCCESSFUL weight loss

Over the past couple of years as people have watched me successfully release 134 pounds I have had many ask me for help.  What's your secret?  How have you been able to get the weight off and now keep it off for a year.  As I think back and try to find ways to be truthful and encouraging at the same time I have found some things that I find will help you be more successful.  FIRST you MUST make a decision!  Decide that you are going to commit to this habit.  If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done. Ecclesiastes 11:4 (LB)  Life happens.  There will always be a vacation, pot luck, dinner with friends, church social, wedding, birth, etc. to deal with.  Just because you want to lose weight the whole world isn't going to stop.  When you make the decision KNOW this and KNOW that you will have to plan for these happenings.  You are in control of your eating and you can make good choices and plan for events.  You can even EAT BEFORE you attend the event so that you are not hungry and therefore, eat less and can be more selective about what goes into your body.  Give yourself permission to be successful without worrying about what others might think of you.  Remember your opinion about you is the most important opinion.  SECOND make a declaration.  Announce your intentions and give your family or friends permission to check up on you.  This allows you to be held accountable.  You may need to let your family know that you don't need a food police but that you would like some words of encouragement and perhaps a kind word (code word) to remind you of your goals.  Ex: Perhaps instead of your spouse saying "I thought you weren't going to eat that any more." They could use a code word that you agree upon prior such as "thoughtful".  Then nothing else needs to be said it is just a reminder to us.  I find many times, especially in the beginning, we eat unconsciously.  I have put something in my mouth and started chewing and then realized, oh no I didn't want to eat this.  I have even been known to spit it out.  It seems strange to someone who hasn't struggled with obesity but it happens, especially in the beginning so a kind code word can help.  I also have found a huge RED flag is when someone tells me they don't want anyone to know what they are doing because it means they are already telling themselves that they can't do it; why should I think it will work this time it hasn't before and I don't want everyone knowing I failed again.  This type of thinking is self defeating and will keep you unsuccessful.  That is why it is so important to make the declaration, get people that will love and support you and CHANGE the negative self talk.  THIS IS WHAT WILL MAKE IT WORK THIS TIME!!  THIRD make a determination.  Don't allow any exceptions to knock you off track especially in the early stages.  Be mindful and stay focused especially the first few months because once you have habits in place it is easier to stay focused.  In the beginning if you are constantly breaking your plan you are sabotaging your plan and you are setting yourself up for failure.  Plan the day before for where you will be the next day at mealtime and have everything thought out and written down before it even happens.  It is so much easier to plan before you are hungry than in the heat of the moment!  Having said all of this I want to tell you that if you eat something you weren't planning to eat...THIS IS HUGE...DO NOT WASTE A MINUTE beating yourself up for it.  IT'S OVER...done...forget about it and move forward as if NOTHING happened.  Get right back on track and eat according to your plan.  The more you live in the past and beat yourself up the more YOU WILL STAY in the past.  You do NOT want to be in the past you want to be in the PRESENT!!  Living in the NOW and not in the PAST is what will make you successful.  FOURTH double up!! GET a partner for support and encouragement!!  This is the quickest way to succeed.  Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively.  If one of them falls down, the other can help him up.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (GNB)  Fifth depend on God.  Rely on God's power to help you establish the habit of daily planning for success.  For the Spirit God has given us...fills us with power, love, and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7 (GNB)  SIXTH FORGIVE yourself.  Many of us are much quicker to forgive others than to forgive ourselves.  When you forgive yourself and live in the present you will find it much easier to make good choices and not self soothe with food.  YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!! 
I would love to encourage you to comment with any ideas that someone else may find helpful or ask any questions that we can help each other be successful.  Remember you are not alone in this journey.
God Bless,
#getoffthescale #weightloss #loseweight #stepstosuccess #sixstepstosuccessfulweightloss #forgiveness #successfulweightloss

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Worry, doubt, fear, shame, guilt...devil in disguise!

Do you ever find yourself worrying about things you have no control over?  Maybe you fear the unknown or the outcome of a situation you have absolutely NO control over.  Do you doubt yourself when you make a decision and second guess yourself?  Do you carry around shame or guilt from the past; even after you have been forgiven?  I have great NEWS!! You are going to be so excited to find out you NEVER have to carry around these debilitating thoughts again.  Philippians 4:6-7 says...Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NIV)  I tell you that worry, doubt, fear, shame, guilt and the other debilitating thoughts you experience are NOT from God they are of Satan.  Do not let Satan steal your joy!!  Stop immediately and pray for God to take control (he's in control already!).  Give it to God and then, here's the hard part, get out of His way and let HIM handle it.  Don't try to take it back and control the situation just step back and witness as HE leads.  He will not lead you where you don't need to go.  If we keep taking it back and getting in His way it takes Him longer to do His good work in you.  So if you're saying God why haven't you?  OR Why is it taking so long for you to answer my prayer?  Step back and take a good long look at yourself and ask yourself...When I gave it to God did I take it back?  Am I trying to control the situation?  Am I trying to manipulate the outcome I want?  If the answer to any of these questions is YES then you answered the previous question too.  That's the reason he hasn't been able to do the work in you and that's why it's taking Him so long.  You are preventing Him for doing the work in you by taking control. So for today are you willing to hand CONTROL over to God and then get out of His way and let Him do the work you are praying for?  He can't do it if you don't have FAITH in HIM and surrender control to HIM!
One thing that has helped me in this area (and I am not a Master by any means! Sometimes I have to give it back to HIM over and over again!! But at least now I KNOW what I need to do!) is to create a list of 10 things I am grateful (or thankful) for every day and speak them out loud to Him and give praise to Him for all he is doing in me.  I dare you to try it for 30 days and see what impact it has in your life.  Then comment below to help others.  If you do it already comment below to give others the courage to do it themselves and make a difference in someone's life.
God Bless,
#getoffthescale #weightloss #loseweight #inspiration #scripture #Philippians4:6-7 #praisegod #control #worry #doubt #fear #Satan #God #shame #guilt