
Before and After

Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Do you live in the past, the here and now, or the future?

Do you live in the past, the here and now, or the future?
Are you a person that longs for the good ole days?  High school, college, maybe even further back and miss everything about the past?  Or are you a person that thinks “oh when such in such happens then everything will fall into place and be great”.  That next raise, when my spouse does ____________, when my kids behave, or when they get a little older or move out of the house, when my in laws quit _________________, etc. 

Think about it.  Where do you spend most of your time?  Past, present, or future?
If you are living in the past or the future you are missing out on the MOST IMPORTANT PART of life…the PRESENT!  You cannot change the past, the future hasn’t happened yet and we are not promised the future.  We only have the present.  RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.  How different would your present look if you only focused on right now?  Ask yourself…How different would my life look if I just focus on what is happening this very minute and making it the best it can be?  What can I do in this situation to make it positive?  How can I enjoy this time?  When we enjoy and treasure the little things in the here and now and learn to be present in the moment we honor those who are present with us and ourselves.  I find that the more I am present in the moment the better my past looks and the brighter my future becomes.  The little things I do TODAY, the choices I make now, are what have the greatest impact on my future.  When I was focusing on the future by saying “Well if I or when I get this weight off I will… or when I make more money I will… or when my husband stops… or after I graduate… or you get the idea.  Living outside of right now causes us to miss many important things that are happening right now and it keeps us frustrated, regretful, angry, fearful, unproductive, depressed, and most of all we miss out on life. 

For example:  How many times have you taken a phone call when you are with someone?  Perhaps your spouse or your children.  Many times it’s not an important call just someone wanting to chit chat but yet we talk because we have our cell with us always and don’t want to miss anything.  But what about your child that you could be having a conversation with or building a relationship?  What about when you’re with your spouse?  Do you take calls then too?  How important do your children and spouse feel when you ignore them to answer your phone?  How would you feel if your children or spouse did it to you?  Pretty soon they will quit trying to speak to you or develop that relationship because silently you are telling them that they are not as important as the person on the other end of the line. 

When you are going through your daily routine…STOP and think…what is happening right now?  What am I doing to help someone else?  How can I make this situation better?  What small contribution can I add to make the situation better?  Thank about what is happening right now and think about what you can do and what you have to be thankful or grateful for in this moment.  You will be AMAZED at how your life starts to change and how your family and friends react to you.  You will also be amazed at how light and free you feel.  GOD has great plans for you!  Please share anything you have tried that helps you stay focused on the present or anything you do to help others that also has helped your outlook.  Let’s help each other along this journey.

God Bless,
#getoffthescale #weightloss #loseweight #loseweightover50