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Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Follow Your Dreams

Hopefully you have written down your dreams, thought about the choices you are making today that affect those dreams and now are ready to do something fun!  Have you heard of a vision board?  A vision board is just that, a board that has pictures of your dreams.  A poster board works well.  You cut out pictures that fit your dream.  Want a new Mercedes, then cut out a picture of a Mercedes and glue it to your board.  Want to feed starving children then find a picture of starving children and glue it on. Do you want to have more time to yourself? Spend with your spouse? Your children?  You get the idea; whatever your dream is find a visual representation and glue it to your board.  When you are finished you need to hang it somewhere that you will see it daily!  Then look at your goal sheet from our 10/22/2013 blog.  Get it out and look at your 90, 60, 30 day plan.  What are you going to do TODAY that is going to get you closer to obtaining your goal.  Then write it down and check it off as you complete each action step.  Remember to make your goals measurable; meaning they have a verb stating what you will be doing so you can check them off as they are accomplished.  This will make you feel successful and powerful and keep you moving in a positive direction.  As you check each one off you are one step closer to realizing your dream.  Keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward.  I know some of you are thinking but what if I don’t get everything on the list done today, then I’m a failure…NO YOU ARE NOT!! You move it to tomorrow and start fresh with tomorrow.  This isn’t a beat myself up game.  Life is a marathon not a sprint and you will stumble and things will happen.  The difference is you don’t give up you start fresh daily and focus on what you CAN do not what you can’t or didn’t do.  NEGATIVE thinking will keep you from obtaining your goals and living your dream.  You must focus on the positive and keep moving forward.  That is not to say that negative things won’t happen but you can chose to be positive today about whatever happens and not let it get you down. 

You are making positive steps toward living your dream!  Keep moving forward and you will be amazed at your success.  Dare to dream outside the box!! You deserve a wonderful life.


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