
Before and After

Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Are you ready to change your life? Live your dreams? I can help!

Most of my life I have felt like a happy, positive person trapped in a negative life.  As a child I didn't understand that I was learning to be negative from those around me.  I constantly fought the contradiction of feeling positive and happy with the reality of those around me always pointing out the negative side of what was happening.  After a while I did what was expected and learned to find what was negative too.  However, inside I always had a conflict and always felt there was hope for things to be different, better even.  I have always felt like I was created to do more, dream big and help others.  I LOVE helping other people.  I am just starting to realize what a huge passion it is for me.  The more I help others the better I feel about myself.  It is my dream to help as many people as I can to get healthy, find their passion, and LOVE their life.  I didn't even know what that meant a short time ago but now that I am experiencing it I want everyone to experience it and KNOW THAT IT IS POSSIBLE!!  Don't settle for what you have.  DREAM big and believe in yourself.  If you don't believe in yourself yet then fake it until you make it.  YOU are the key to your own happiness.  I used to put notes and inspirational quotes on sticky notes and put them in my bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, office and even the steering wheel of my car.  When negative thoughts entered my head I would immediately turn them around into positive thoughts and stop the negativity.  We may not have control over everything that happens to us but we do have control over how we react to the situation.  We do not have to get drug into any drama.  If you are being drug down by others ask yourself what benefit am I getting from this?  Only you can figure out why you allow it to happen.  Once you decide to take charge of your life and look for the positive in each situation, even if it's only that you're learning a valuable lesson, you will be the happiest you have ever been and true growth will happen.  I am serious when I say that I want to help you reach your goals.  I do not charge for coaching I do it to help others realize their goals.  Someone helped me so I want to pay it forward.

#getoffthescale #freeweightlosscoaching #freecoaching #dream #goals

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