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Monday, October 19, 2015

Procrastination is dangerous!!

Well I decided to declutter my house and get rid of everything.  I made a plan. I had every intention of getting it done and guess what?  It hasn't happened yet!  I have thought about it.  I have done many things in preparation for it...but guess what? It hasn't happened yet.  I know something is holding me back.  Yes, I'm busy and yes, I've accomplished many other things in the past couple of months but the decluttering hasn't happened yet.  So I got out the Procrastination book and started reading it again.  I found that the fight or flight mode of operation is one reason people procrastinate.  Highly impulsive people and perfectionists are also very prone to procrastination.  There are two key elements that play a large part in the urge to postpone projects: "Uncertain feelings about an activity and the desire to avoid discomfort.  The procrastinator's self - talk says, I'm not sure if the timing is right, thus avoiding the risk of failure.  Indecision also plays a large role in the conscious/unconscious mind of the procrastinator.  This person cannot make up her mind.  Actually, she can make up her mind, but she tells herself that she can't.  She chooses not to decide.  It's not that she can't; it's just that she doesn't."  "Many procrastinators believe they require the pressure of a last-minute deadline to justify the dragging of their feet.  They justify themselves by saying, "If I would've started earlier, then I would have executed perfectly. This justification masks low self-esteem that is a key component to their performance anxiety, which in turn causes the procrastination in the first place."
Wow! Just reading the first 1/8th of the book I have discovered I have some issues going on and need to keep reading.  I am going to share this self awakening with you and would love it if there are some others who would like to share with us.  Do you have issues with procrastination?  How are you dealing with them?  Let's help each other!

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