
Before and After

Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Stop holding yourself back!

Many of us struggle to let go of the past.  Even when we are doing great, life is good, and we are enjoying our friends and family little doubts from the past start to creep in and chip away at our confidence.  I have been reflecting on this for a while now and something is speaking to me that I need to write on this subject; not sure if it is because someone else is also struggling and needs the encouragement or if it is that I need to make a public accounting to be able to move on or both!  I know it is Satan who is bringing in the doubt and I know it is God that is moving me to write. 
     This morning after my daily devotion time I was led to 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (NIV)  This tells me that God has already forgiven me my sins but yet I let Satan come in and cast doubt in that area of my life.  I cannot change the past, I cannot reap any benefit from dwelling on it but it can be a huge anchor holding me back from being who I am in Christ.  He forgave me when I confessed my sins to HIM so this is me doing this to myself (with Satan's help of course).  As I reflect on the past few days I realize I am letting someone else's journey and issues effect me and my walk.  And I wonder how many times we do that... Someone has an issue in their life and they lash out at me and because of the old insecurities I am quick to take it on and make it my own when in reality it has nothing to do with me.  Especially when they attack my character or someone I love and I want to show them that I am trustworthy, honest, caring, dependable, etc. (you name it) and I make their issues my own when in reality I had nothing to do with it.  God is telling me to stand strong in Him and know that He is with me.  Let it go and move on.  So today I am choosing to let go, give it over to God and let Him work on the other person's heart.  I may not know the outcome ever but I do know my heart, my intentions and that God has forgiven me of my past and I don't have to keep living in the past every time someone tries to throw their issues onto me.  I choose to hold on to 2 Corinthians 5:17 Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun! (NLT)
What in your past are you holding onto that is preventing you from moving forward with your life?  I urge you to ask God and then to forgive yourself or someone else and move on.  What's waiting for you is a million times better than what you left behind.
God Bless,
#getoffthescale #freedom #Godisgreat #2Corinthians #1John #Christ

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