
Before and After

Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Friday, August 21, 2015

Decluttering more than your home!

For over a year now I have been wanting to declutter my house.  I have come to the realization that holding on to things holds me back.  I feel overwhelmed, weighed down, heavy, and depressed when I have too much "stuff"!  The past few weeks I keep getting the message to let go.  It started me thinking WHY do I feel the need to hold on to things from the past?  I have come to the realization that a lot of it is because of guilt.  Someone I love or care about gave it to me and I don't want to get rid of it because of the emotional ties to that person or for fear it might make them feel bad or hurt their feelings. This also pertains to the emotional attachment of some items.  Momentos from when I graduated from High School or College, when the kids were born, the grandkids, etc.   Some of the things I hold onto represent things I want to do or become; such as a scrapbooker!! I dream of getting all of my pictures organized in albums for everyone to enjoy! So I hold on to all of the scrapbooking items!  And of course my favorite...I might need it one day.  Because I KNOW that every time I get rid of something, even items I haven't used for years, I find I need it and have to go buy another one!!  I know this rarely happens but it seems as though it always does.
At this point in my life I feel as though all the "stuff" is that...just stuff and it is an anchor holding me back.  It makes me feel so heavy and weighed down that it keeps me from living a life of freedom.  I am just beginning to realize how it keeps me locked in the past.  I no longer want to live my life in the past.  My past doesn't define me any longer!  I am committed to living in the present.  So I have made a HUGE decision for me.  I am going through EVERY room in my house one at a time.  I am making 4 piles: Trash, donate, sale, and keep.  I will be getting rid of thousands of items and only keeping those things that are a necessity or items that I love that bring me joy and happiness.  Everything else is going.  If you are in need of something let me know because I would love to gift things to those who could benefit or love anything I have.
I am declaring right now that I am starting today and I am starting with the grandbabies playroom and bathroom.  I am giving myself one week in each room so I should be completed in 12 weeks.  I am going to post before and after pictures and progress updates.  I am praying that I inspire at least one other person to declutter their house and life.  While I am starting with the house I KNOW I will be decluttering much more than my physical space.  I am looking forward to the journey and seeing where it leads me.  Pray for me and please leave a comment if you are going to join me.  Let's support each other along the way.
God Bless,

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