
Before and After

Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Monday, April 21, 2014

Diet VS. Lifestyle...Do you know the difference between thin people and overweight people?

It's the first day after a major holiday!  Many of us ate candy, great dinner with family and friends, enjoyed many foods or drinks that we don't have everyday.  It's fine. It's called life.  People do this once in a while.  Don't beat yourself up! Do you ever wonder why some people are overweight and some are thin?  I know we've been told it's because of genes (even when some people in the family are thin), income levels, will power, etc.  There are many contributing factors but I think our mental dialogue plays a huge part in everything related to food!  There is one significant difference I have discovered...overweight people are on a diet and there's a reason the first three letters spell die; because that's how you feel like you're going to die.  As if you are depriving yourself of something.  You eat healthy until you can't stand it anymore or worse yet don't eat at all until you're so hungry you eat the first thing you see or anything and everything until you're so full you can't move and then you feel guilty and like a failure so you tell yourself one more time that you can't do it; you will never succeed so why bother and then you give up...until the next time you think I really should do something about my weight.  Thin people eat healthy 80 to 90 % of the time, it is called a lifestyle, so when a holiday or special occasion comes around or maybe they just have a desire for something that might not be exactly healthy they eat it but they don't feel guilty because they know it is a lifestyle.  They don't beat themselves up and say I've failed, I have to eat unhealthy now, I'll never be able to eat healthy again, NO they start making healthy choices the very next meal or the very next day and keep going.  Not even giving it a second thought because it's a way of life.  The trick is to eat healthy most of the time and then don't give up when you make a different choice, don't talk negatively to yourself, accept it for what it is...your choice to enjoy something you want and then go right back to eating healthy and tell yourself...I can eat this once in a while and go right back to healthy choices and everything will be fine.  Build yourself up, encourage yourself, and when you have those old negative thoughts STOP! (Ex: If you're thinking oh no I knew I couldn't do it forever, I knew I would fail.  STOP change your dialogue and say...I ate this, I made the choice, I control my choices, I will make a healthy choice at _________ (whatever meal is next) and everything will balance out, I CAN DO THIS, I AM DOING THIS!!  I AM SO WORTH IT!)  You are living a lifestyle you are NOT on a DIET because DIETs don't work; Lifestyle changes do!  If you would like help or have any questions please comment or email me for private questions at
God Bless,
#getoffthescale #dietsdontwork #lifestylechange #healthylifestyle #weightloss #healthyaging

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