What are you doing to hold yourself back and keep you from becoming all you can be? I know we all have times where we struggle with Can I do ______? or _________ can do it because the they are better at that than I am. Our thoughts and negative thinking play a LARGE part in what we are able to accomplish. On this weight loss journey I have found that food plays a VERY miniscule roll in what kept me fat for years. I always believed I was heavy because I LOVED food. I was raised by a grandma who was from the south and she cooked everything from scratch and much of the time fresh ingredients. She even bought whole fryers (chicken) and cut them up into pieces to cook them because it was cheaper. Food and family was a huge part of our socializing. I thought my love for good food was why I had a weight problem. As I've shared before, when I started this journey I surrendered to God and asked for him to please help take my cravings away so that I could loose weight. He then led me to a plan that worked for me and took away all of my food cravings and helped my stay on track. I was able to release 134 pounds in under 13 months and he started revealing things to me. A huge revelation was that the negative talk in my head was really holding me back. I made a deal with myself (yes I know that sounds strange) to stop any negative thoughts immediately if they came into my head. I also posted sticky notes on my bathroom mirror, refrigerator, steering wheel of my car, and places that I would see daily with inspirational quotes. Immediately, when I started having the old doubts or negative thoughts I would stop and start saying positive things to myself. What I noticed was that over time I had less and less negative thoughts and more positive thoughts and was feeling much happier about myself. It was a very freeing experience.
God wants to give you the desires of your heart but we tend to get in the way of that by telling ourselves things that aren't true. We replay old tapes of what others have said to us, usually in a fit of anger (and they probably didn't even mean it) and for some reasons we hold on to the negative and forget much of the positive. Many times when people say things in anger it is more about them than the person they are saying it to but still we grab hold of the negative and in weak moments decide to repeat it to ourselves and it holds us back from being all that we can be. This is NOT God's desire for you. Just for today try to change any negative thought you have into a positive one and see what happens...You can do it just for today! This will work in any area of your life; weight loss, financial, relationships, organization, etc.
God Bless,
This originally started out as my journey to lose weight. After releasing 134 pounds and maintaining for over 2 years my passion is now helping others reach their goals. I have helped hundreds release weight, build lean muscle, increase energy and performance, look and feel better than they have ever felt as well as gain financial freedom! It is amazing how my life has changed and the best part is that I have been able to show others how to look, feel, and sleep better than ever before!
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