You know the little voice in your head that tells you you're not good enough or you can't do it? Well that was the number one thing I struggled with while trying to lose weight. That doubt would creep in and say you can't do this, you know you always gain it back, why bother when you know you love food, you're not that good, etc. You know all the things we tell ourselves...well I have found a few things that help with this little problem and I would like to share them with you because my prayer is that I will write one thing that will resonate with you and help you be successful in your journey. I pray to God to put the thoughts and words in my head that will be a blessing to someone else that will keep them from struggling as long as I have. The first thing I want you to know is that YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH and YOU CAN DO IT!! Everytime you have a doubt or that little voice starts creeping in and trying to undermine you try one or more of these suggestions:
1) put post it notes up around your home, car, and office where they are visible to you, that have words of encouragement. For example: I CAN DO THIS! I am in control of my life. I am worth it. I CAN _______ (you fill in the blank).
2) When you start feeling like you want to eat something tempting...STOP...think about what is happening; are you stressed? do you feel upset with someone or something? Are you tired? bored? write down what you are feeling and what is happening to you at that moment. You may not see anything at that time but when you read back after a few days you will start to see patterns and what is triggering you to want to eat or to sabbotage your weight loss.
3) When I started this new lifestyle in June 2012 at 267 pounds, I decided to stop watching television; yes cold turkey! I watched TV all the time but what I found was that when I watched TV even when I wasn't hungry, I would get hungry from all the food! It was a trigger for me. I started reading and I will tell you I have become addicted to reading. If TV is a big portion of your life you should try this because I can tell you not only do I read amazing books but I have cleaned out and organized more than any other time in my life. It is amazing how much time I have for other things.
4) Take a walk. When I walk it is so peaceful; I am able to think and sort out issues that I usually don't have the time for. It also releases endorfins in your brain that are natural pain and stress fighters so you feel wonderful. The first step is the toughest...once you get started it becomes addicting!
5) Journal. Take time to write your thoughts and feelings get everything down on paper. Don't worry about if it makes sense or if you are doing it correctly just write whatever comes into your head. Do it daily over time and then go back and reread at least once a week. It is amazing what patterns you will see come to life over time. It can be very helpful when trying to figure out why we are sabbatoging ourselves.
6) The number one thing that helped me was planning ahead for where I would be at meal time and what I was going to eat. When I went to the grocery store I would come home and immediately cut up all vegetables and put them in containers or ziplock baggies. I had fruits and vegetables washed, cut up and ready to go at all times. I wrote down what I was going to eat and at what times I was going to eat and I checked it off as I went. Two reasons, first I didn't have to think about it, and second it was a feeling of accomplishment knowing I had completed a task. I even bought a small igloo cooler to use when I had to be out for work and needed to keep my water bottles cold and food cold. The more prepared you are the less likely temptation will occur.
7) This IS THE MOST IMPORTANT part. CLEAN EVERYTHING out of your house that doesn't fit into your plan. Get it out of your pantry, refrigerator, etc. Many people say yes but my family eats it...WHY would you have something for your family to eat that wouldn't be healthy for them? If it isn't good for you it isn't good for them either. Get rid of it.
YOU CAN DO THIS!! If you would like any support, help, advice, someone to listen please feel free to contact me at and I would be happy to support you in your journey.
These are two quotes that I like and thought you might enjoy!
"Your imagination is your preview to life's coming attractions."
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."
Have a great day! God Bless!
This originally started out as my journey to lose weight. After releasing 134 pounds and maintaining for over 2 years my passion is now helping others reach their goals. I have helped hundreds release weight, build lean muscle, increase energy and performance, look and feel better than they have ever felt as well as gain financial freedom! It is amazing how my life has changed and the best part is that I have been able to show others how to look, feel, and sleep better than ever before!
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