
Before and After

Before and After
134 Pound Weight Loss

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Does your spouse keep you eating because of their behavior?

Ever have one of those mornings where everything is going great and then you ask your spouse a question or make a statement and they don't react the way you think they should and even bark at you?  Then you feel like you've done something wrong and start to feel bad about yourself?  Well that used to happen to me a lot but since I've started this journey of losing weight and consciously trying to be a better person and deal with my problems instead of stuffing them with food, it seems to be happening less and less. However this morning it happened again.  The kitchen light bulbs keep going out one by one; now we have two of 10 working and it is very hard to see in the kitchen.  I have asked a few times over the past 4-6 months if they could be replaced.  About a month ago he told me the 12 foot ladder (our ceilings in the kitchen go to 22 feet at the peak) he needed was at work.  So this morning I asked if he could please bring the ladder home tonight to replace the bulbs because I was having trouble seeing.  He said in a not so kind tone that the ladder wouldn't fit in his vehicle.  I explained that I was having trouble seeing and then it just went downhill from there.  I don't even know what really happened because it really wasn't a big deal and then it was. There wasn't any yelling or screaming just an attitude that I still don't know where it came from.  He left for work I finished getting ready and left.  On my way to work I was thinking back over the conversation and what had happened.  I decided to text my spouse an apology "I'm sorry for anything I did or said to upset you.  It was not my intention...I really am trying to stay positive and build a great relationship with you!! I love you."  I haven't heard back from him since I sent it 2.5 hours ago but that isn't the point.  What I am learning is that I don't have to be drawn into the drama which would have sent me to the refrigerator or the pantry in the past.  I did what I needed to do I apologized for anything I might have done to contribute to the problem because I truly wasn't trying to cause trouble. I actually thought I was doing something good by reminding him because he usually says well you need to remind me because I just forget.  But regardless my victory and joy is in the knowledge that I feel great, I didn't cave to my emotions, I feel blessed and excited because this is a small step that lets me know that I have grown substantially in the past few months. I can only control myself, I cannot do anything to control another person.  When I focus on that fact I find that I feel much better about myself.  I pray the same awaking for you!  It is a very freeing feeling that takes a very heavy load off of my shoulders.
God Bless,

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Positive Attitude is catching...

Did you think about what you look for after reading yesterday's post?  Today I would like to challenge you to look for at least 10 positive things that happen to you.  If you are thinking negatively STOP yourself and ask...What is the positive?  Because I assure you that there IS a positive to every situation.  Perhaps it's only the life lesson you are learning but there is something positive.  The more positively you think the more positive things that begin to happen.  It is true Whether you believe you can or you believe you can't YOU'RE RIGHT!!  Try to put your focus on the positive and replace all I can't phrases with I CAN and see how your life starts to change.  I DARE YOU TO TRY THIS TODAY!!
God Bless,

Monday, January 27, 2014

Whether you look for the positive or the negative that's what you will find.

Along this journey I have made many discoveries but one that has really come to the forefront lately is that whatever I look for that is what I find.  For more years than I care to admit I could always find things that my husband or children did to annoy me.  Most frequently it was my husband because my children are amazing, of course!! LOL  My husband worked too many hours, he couldn't be anywhere on time, he didn't pay enough attention to me, he always had time for everyone but never time for me, and the list goes on and on.  Recently, with God's help, I decided to try focusing on the things my husband does that are positive and I started seeing him in a whole new light.  My husband works very hard to provide for his family and without exception if anyone needs or wants anything he will do whatever it takes to make it happen.  He comes home to me every night; I don't have to worry about him being faithful.  He will help whenever asked by relatives, friends and even strangers.  He will cook, clean, help with the children and now the grandchildren and loves doing it!  He keeps my vehicle running well so I don't have to worry and I always have the best vehicle in the family because he doesn't want anything to happen to me.  He has helped me move classrooms over the years more times than I care to remember.  He has helped our children and grandchildren, my parents, grandparents, etc. whenever asked and many time when not asked.  It is amazing when I sit down and really think about all he has done then the little things really don't seem to matter and I start having trouble remembering what they were.  That's what started me down this path of thinking about why some people are positive and others are negative and I discovered that whatever I look for that's what I find.  If I'm looking for the negative that is what I will see and if I focus on the positive that is what I will see.  So I am choosing to focus on the positive and put my blinders on until it is such a habit that I can't see the negative in people.  Let's face it we ALL have negative aspects of our character that's what makes us sinners.  I am choosing to find the positive because of the way it makes me feel when I focus on the positives in life.  That may make me selfish but I'd rather be selfishly looking for the positive than the negative (each is selfish but one makes me feel good while the other doesn't).  What are you going to choose today? I'm praying for you to look for the positive for your sake!
God Bless,

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Secret to my 134 pound weight loss!

I get asked did you do it? Why do you think you were successful this time?  I have been thinking about that and have come up with a few things that have really impacted my life.  Number one is that I surrendered to God and asked for his help with my whole heart.  I can tell you before this I believed in God and was raised with my Grandma taking me to church and believing but I didn't trust God to work in my life.  I thought he only helped other people with far more pressing issues than my fat.  What I found by taking a few minutes each morning to read his word and to be honest, I didn't even know where to start so I looked in my bible and found study suggestions and started there.  I also, read Proverbs based on what day of the month is was.  For example: if it was August 5th I read Proverb 5.  In the beginning, not much happened but over days and weeks I started to listen to what God was saying to me and no the skies didn't part and he didn't speak loudly...what I noticed was the thoughts he put into my head which seemed foreign and several times I would feel this overwhelming happy feeling, tingling, warmth come over me.  I am learning to ask questions of God and then listen to what he tells me through my thoughts.  I know to some of you it will sound crazy but if you can trust and try I know he will speak to you too.  I also know most of us are very busy and don't think we have time for this but I will tell you in my experience I have more time now than ever before because he is showing me what is REALLY important and what isn't which is freeing up my time and making me much more calm.  I have learned to ask for what I want when I pray.  Praying is something that I have always done on a daily basis but usually for family members and friends not for myself.  I am learning to ask God to be present in all my decisions on a daily basis, ask specifically for what I want to see happen, and that he give me a heart to love the way Jesus loved.  It has made a HUGE difference in my life and I pray you will find the same will happen with your journey.  I know it will if you can surrender and then TRUST HIM.
God Bless,

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Woke up one day and threw all the excuses out the window...

Do you ever wonder what would happen if you could clear away all the excuses?  We all have them.  I'm too busy, too tired, my kids are involved in sports, dance, band, etc. I work full time, I travel for business, and the list goes on and on.  Let's imagine for a minute that you have NO EXCUSES...What can you do?
I had all the excuses imaginable for, husband, tired, money, job, you name it.  Then one day I decided I didn't want to live my life and never do anything.  I had dreams I had just put them all on the back burner and to be quite honest I was so lost I couldn't even think of what would make me happy.  I had lost all my dreams and ambition.  I was just existing for my husband and children and guess what they weren't happy either because who wants a wife and mother that is lost somewhere inside herself and doesn't know who she is?  I felt like I was on a hamster wheel and was constantly running but wasn't getting anywhere.  I was constantly doing what I thought would make my husband, children, boss, etc. happy but really no one was.  I decided I didn't want to do it anymore.  I wanted to know who I was and what would bring me joy.  My personal choice was to surrender to God and ask for help.  That is the day my new journey began.  I had no clue in the beginning where I would be led.  As a matter of fact I didn't have much hope of succeeding on my own but what I found was that with His help I could lean on Him and he little by little reduced my fog and provided insight into certain areas of my life. 
First, I decided to lose weight something I had been struggling with since my parents divorced when I was 5.  I intentionally cleaned out the entire house of any food that might tempt me. Then I spoke to my husband and daughter and asked them not to bring anything into our home that wasn't healthy. Next, I PLANNED what I was going to eat and I bought it and put it in the house.  I cut things up and put them in containers or ziplock bags so that everything was quick and easy to get to.  I always planned the night before for where I would be the next day and what I needed to do to be able to stay on track.  Sometimes that meant carrying a cooler with ice packs or my magic bullet to mix things in.  Whatever I needed I made sure I was prepared so I wouldn't get hungry or caught out somewhere without a healthy eating option.  Guess what?  I found that being prepared made it so much easier and kept me from getting hungry and I was successful.  Maybe your issue isn't weight...maybe it's financial, organization, work related, etc.  Then you need to develop a plan to deal with the excuses.  Sit down and write down what your goal is.  Then write down EVERY excuse you can think of as to why it will not work.  Next, write down what you can do to answer the excuse...plan for success.  There is a solution to every excuse...IF (and that's the variable here) you truly want to make the change.  Then plan for what you are going to do today and tomorrow to be successful.  Who are you going to share with to hold you accountable.  Write words of encouragement on sticky notes and put them on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, car steering wheel, etc. Somewhere you will see them everyday and multiple times a day to encourage yourself to stay on track.  Anytime a negative thought comes into your brain counteract it with a positive rebuttal and pretty soon you will be amazed that you are having more positive than negative thoughts.  Take one step at a time toward your goal, stay focused, don't give up and you will succeed.  The ONLY failure is in quitting. 
What would happen if you woke up today and threw away all your excuses?  I predict SUCCESS!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

How's the new year resolution going?

Okay it's been two weeks and research shows this is the time that we usually start falling off the wagon so to speak.  How are you doing?  Are you starting to lose steam?  Here is the difference between being successful and NOT...are you ready? It's pretty big!!! The successful people DON'T QUIT!!  That's correct.  Sure that's easy for you to say (I can hear you saying it now)! Truth is THAT's the TRUTH.  When I was 134 pounds heavier I would start and the little voice in my head said "You'll never succeed" "You've never succeeded before, what makes you think this time will be different?".  Many times we think because we have one "off day" or we make, one not so wonderful choice, we have to throw in the towel and give in to our old habits but that's not the case.  You need to tell yourself that this is different and forgive yourself for making that choice and then tell yourself that you will make a new choice next time.  Visualize yourself making the new choice and talk yourself through the situation when it arises next time.  For example:  If you eat something at work that isn't on your food plan (Do not call it a diet because diets are set in stone and impossible to do on a daily basis) then think about what you can do next time you're hungry and what options you can keep at work that would be a better alternative and then visualize yourself doing it.  Plan ahead and keep the items in your desk or refrigerator at work and when the situation presents itself again your vision will pop into your head and you will make a better choice.  Changing your habits takes a minimum of 30 days.  You need to do the new behavior everyday for 30 days for you to form new habits.  SO DON'T GIVE UP and think you have failed.  Get back on the wagon and continue on your journey.  Tell yourself I CAN I CAN I CAN until you believe it and when the little doubts come in just repeat it over and over until it goes away!  Don't forget you are worth it!!
God Bless,

Friday, January 3, 2014

Are you energized and ready for the New Year?

I am so energized and ready for the new year and have put some things in place to help me stay focused, organized, on track, and changed my mindset for success.  I truly believe our mind is what holds us back in most instances from achieving what we want from life.  I didn't see this before in my food induced coma that kept me trapped for years.  I find that the more prepared I am, the more organized, and the more intentional I am, the more I have time for what I need to get done and what I WANT to get accomplished.  I now can think more clearly and hear what God is revealing to me.  It is very difficult to focus on what's most important when you are blindly going through the day and just doing.  Stop and take time to THINK...because being busy isn't productive in the long run.  Schedule time 10-15 minutes a day to yourself where you can stop and reflect/plan/think so that you can start to be productive.  I promise that small amount of time will come back 10 fold when you can focus on what is important and weed out what isn't.  All the excuses for why we can't do something truly boils down to: What is most important?  Where are my priorities? Who am I doing this for?  What do I want people (family and loved ones) to remember me for when I am gone?  Answering these questions for yourself and writing it down on paper can really help you focus on what IS important to you and then you can set a goal or two at a time to help you relieve some of the stress and declutter your mind so that you can SEE what you really need to focus on. 
I found an awesome blog about what to do when you give something up (or quit doing something) with the time you used to spend doing it...

Copy and paste into your browser if the link doesn't work.

I pray your 2014 is off to an energetic start!!
God Bless,